Passing Through Life
"Passing Through Life" is an opportunity to hear how people of different ages, backgrounds, and experiences have made it through significant life transitions. This includes deaths, relocation, unusual job choices, new businesses, illnesses and special needs, creative projects, etc. Hearing how others have managed major transitions both teaches and inspires us! Emmy winning host Luanne Bole-Becker interviews a new guest each episode to share a motivational story of persistence and perspective, complete with invaluable lessons learned. Music and production is by Bryan Becker.Visit www.facebook.com/passing-through-life-podcast for a summary of upcoming episodes ("About" section) and written transcripts for the early episodes.
14 episodes
#14--Riding the Wave
Although job changes are the most obvious transitions that Dave Clements has experienced, his story covers a broad spectrum of life's twists and turns and how to maneuver them.Early on, Dave found himself counseling fellow employees how...
Season 1
Episode 14
#13--When It's Not a Happy Ending
Tim Bradford has had his share of rough life transitions.A talented composer and musician, Tim's career was in full swing when the unthinkable happened. A persistent and unusual headache heralded health issues that would lead to a...
12--The Reluctant Entrepreneur
Most of us experience a variety of job changes in our lives. But what happens when those jobs no longer satisfy? If you are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to create your own business, what might that look like?&nbs...
Season 1
Episode 12

#11-- Shifting Cultures
Transitions thrust us into new worlds.What's it like when that new world is an ocean away? And in a foreign country with another language and different cultural, religious, and political perspectives?Our podcast guest, Kev...
Season 1
Episode 11

#10--The Battles We Didn't Choose
If you've only been married five months and your wife is the one who gets diagnosed with breast cancer? Well, clearly your honeymoon is REALLY over.Even though cancer hits way too many of us, we are still shocked when it attacks s...
Season 1
Episode 10
#9--Leaving the Dream Job Behind
It's one thing to strive and change to obtain a "dream job." It's quite another to have the clarity and courage to give up that dream job to pursue an atypical path, a stronger calling.Jody Adams-Fesco did just that when she chose...
Season 1
Episode 9
#8--No Regrets
Finally! We turn the tables as our host Luanne Bole-Becker shares her story of transitions, including dealing with Alzheimer's.At first, it's a story of improbable job changes. With a degree in accounting but a constant urge...
Season 1
Episode 8

#7-- Leaving the Big Apple
We pretty much expect that if we're lucky enough to retire, we're going to experience transition. But most of us retire and make incremental changes. Others just upend their lives and try something completely new! Today's gues...
Season 1
Episode 7

#6--Becoming Mama Bear
Sometimes our transitions are intertwined closely with the transitions of another.Our guest this episode is Cindy Hill, whose first child Ben was born with Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects a person's heart an...
Season 1
Episode 6

#5--Just Getting Your Feet on the Ground
It's the day you never, ever expect... or want... to face.Ruth Durand's husband Matt had recently confided that they would need to be making drastic changes in their living situation, due to the recession. That seemed to be bombsh...
Season 1
Episode 5

#4--Tenure Isn't Everything
Most of us have experienced roadblocks along a career path. For a university professor, NOT getting tenure is a major roadblock. It means that the place where you've invested your time and reputation for years now expects yo...
Season 1
Episode 4
#3--Mother Never Told Me There'd Be Days Like These
Having a baby is supposed to be one of the most joyous times of your life! So when guest Sheila Fell and her husband Joe learned that Sheila was pregnant, they were ecstatic. In fact, Sheila immersed herself in learning everything s...
Season 1
Episode 3

#2--Great Expectations: Whose Are They Anyway?
Michael Byun seems comfortable in his own skin. Now the Executive Director of Asian Counseling and Referral Service (ACRS) in Seattle, and formerly the long-term director of Ohio’s Asian Services In Action (ASIA, Inc.), it also seems that...
Season 1
Episode 2
#1--Sometimes Getting Fired is Just What You Need
Graphic designer Katie Melnick had never really failed. She was accepted into the art school she wanted, won scholarships she sought, and landed a great job at a boutique design studio in Cleveland right out of college. And ...
Season 1
Episode 1